


EasyRPG implements the scene code using a stack machine. The scene on the top of the stack is executed and the others are suspended.

The runtime loop is implemented by the function Scene::MainFunction(). This function calls different functions on the top scene depending on if the last activity was a push or a pop:

Calls on new Scene after Push

  1. Start(): This function is executed while the screen is faded out. All objects needed for the scene should be created here.
  2. TransitionIn(): This should fade in the scene. The default implementation does a normal fadein.
  3. Resume(): This function is executed after the fade in.

After these function it will enter the Update-Loop by calling Update() every frame. It’s recommended to overwrite at least the Update-Function in a new scene implementation. The default implementation will return to the previous one when [ENTER] is pressed.

Calls on the a Scene when it is resumed

When a scene is popped from the stack the new stack top will be executed by calling the following functions:

  1. TransitionIn()
  2. Resume()

The only difference is the missing Start()-Call.

Calls on the current Scene when a new one was pushed

The scene will leave the Update-Loop and execute the following functions:

  1. Suspend(): This function is executed when the scene is going to be changed.
  2. TransitionOut(): This should fade out the scene. The default implementation does a normal fade out.

The runtime loop will take care about saving and restoring the graphic state.

Calls on the current Scene when it was popped

A pop is nearly the same as a push but an extra function is called:

  1. Suspend()
  2. TransitionOut()
  3. Terminate(): All objects allocated in Start() should be deleted here.